Наука и образование


18 отзывов
3997 просмотров
Test Pro - no profit I asked for help in homework, in response to silence. In the question of how the test case differs from the smoah, I did not hear anything intelligible. I don’t understand how to do my homework and what they want to see from me. I asked for help in the telegram channel. With these lessons, my sleep routine really went astray, I go to bed at 10:00 am and get up at 7:00 pm( i live in GMT+3). I want to be taught more clearly, and not with simple templates since January. He turned me off so that I looked at everything in the video tutorial, but there I didn’t find my answer on how to do my homework, he just wrote a table and did not make an example of how to write there. All team are not afraid to help me, you just send me culturally. I am very disappointed in this TestPro project. Instead of gaining the necessary and understandable knowledge, they are gaining slaves in utest (its free project wich award for bugs on application). If I had originally started talking about qa tester, then with 100% probability I would have stumbled upon utest. Most people who buy courses from them are very naive and think that they can find work after 3 lessons, but this is not so, they just throw you and do not help develop. They just force you to pay them for the air. I am very disappointed in this TestPro project. Instead of gaining the necessary and understandable knowledge, they are gaining slaves in utest (its free project wich award for bugs on application). If I had originally started talking about qa tester, then with 100% probability I would have stumbled upon utest. Most people who buy courses from them are very naive and think that they can find work after 3 lessons, but this is not so, they just throw you and do not help develop. They just force you to pay them for the air. There are very few reviews about their project in the public domain, all people who got a normal job can be tapped on the fingers (the project has been working for 2 years), the reviews are all good and they don’t have one negative, so they’re afraid for their reputation , I categorically do not recommend studying there because the training program is very damp and not everyone understands. It’s better to watch small videos for 20 minutes each and get only the necessary information on testing sites and applications, there is a lot of information in the public domain.


2 отзыва
2707 просмотров
Программа "Звезар Бэби" Здравствуйте. Меня зовут Татьяна, а мою любимую дочушку – Алена, ей уже почти 3 месяца. Все думала написать или нет. И вот решилась. 3-х месячную подписку на программу «Звезар. Бэби» мне подарила свекровь к нашей с Аленкой выписке из роддома. Она вообще мне всю беременность всякие замечания делала: ем не то, пью много, хожу мало, о ребенке не думаю. В общем сами понимаете, как я отнесласб к ее подарку (лучше бы малышке что-нибудь дельное купила). То есть изначально я была настроена очень плохо и знала – мне это точно не понравится. В общем когда позвонил курьер и спросил о доставке – я его мурыжила два дня, потом стало неудобно, человек то ведь не виноват, и я его дождалась.Открыла коробку и подумала – опять нравоучения, бумаги много, игрушек мало. Еще на день отложила. А потом ко мне защла подружка сыном, ему 7 мес. и мы наконец все достали.Вотс нашей зеброй из первого набора играет сын моей подруги. Это Зебра и Зайка (набор 2) в Аленкиной кроватке.У нас пока не очень много игрушек, да и дочка еще совсем крошка. Поэтому мне трудно сказать какая из них ей нравится больше всего. Но во-первых, часть из них уже развалились вообще (падали на пол,...
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